Dr Vindy Ghura was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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17th January 2020

Dr Ghura combines high professional expertise with a very personal touch. I would strongly recommend him to others.

16th January 2020

Excellent doctor,friendly and lots of advice given.

16th January 2020

I had a skin cancer removed from a tricky area of my nose where the skin is very rigid. As a 50 year old woman I was naturally concerned about the scar it would leave because Dr Ghura said I would probably need a skin graft and 25 stiches. In the end, I had 14 stitches and the skin was grafted from my nose with some expert surgery by Dr Ghura so that the skin colour would be very similar. I am pleased to say that 3 months later, following Dr Ghura's routine on after care, (albeit with a couple of concerned emails showing photos of the wound with pockets of white fluid and asking his reassurance it was healing ok!) , the scar has healed really well and Dr Ghura reassured me every step of the way. I now have a small scar which I have forgotten about and friends and family say they don't even notice it- a bit of Bobbi Brown concealer disguises it completely! Thank you Dr Ghura. I think you genuinely care about your patients and you have a confidence about you that definitely reassured me.

9th January 2020

I like that Dr. Ghura listens to me, and explains why he has chosen the particular treatment. I have seen great improvements and have confidence in the treatment I am receiving.

7th January 2020

I saw Dr Ghura for chronic eczema/dermatitis. Dr Ghura was able to quickly identify the issues which were preventing my existing treatment plan from being effective and able to prescribe new treatment plan which was successful. He has a warm, friendly manner which puts you at your ease and have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Dr Ghura.


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Dr Vindy Ghura is a highly experienced and long-established Dermatologist of over 20 years. He is always aware of the impact skin disease can have on his patients. He looks after and treats patients with all forms of skin disease including Skin Cancer, Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis and other rashes as well as hair loss (alopecia).

Dr Vindy Ghura knows a person's skin unique and if it’s not right it can impact on all aspects of a patient’s life- physical, emotional and social.

Dr Vindy Ghura is one of 70 fully trained Consultant Mohs Surgeons in the UK. Mohs Surgery is a specialist technique for removing the most difficult “non-melanoma” skin cancers (squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas and offers the highest cure rates. Dr Ghura set up the Mohs skin cancer service in Sheffield winning the Hospital’s Service development of the year award. Dr Ghura is honoured to have been elected President of the British Society for Dermatological Surgery (BSDS), the largest Skin surgery society in Europe and one to which almost all Dermatological (Skin) Surgeons and Mohs Surgeons in the UK belong to.

Dr Ghura has a Masters degree in Medical Education from Cardiff University (gained with distinction) and regularly teaches other doctors about skin disease. He has also been an examiner for the Royal College of Physicians for many years. He has given numerous lectures and talks on skin cancer and skin disease both nationally and internationally.

Dr Ghura has research interests in Skin Cancer, Surgery and Medical Education and has presented and published in all of these areas.